Les mots de la parfumerie
Maëlys PréauFeb 10, 20210 comments
The perfume vocabulary to shine at your next dinner party
Les odeurs de l'été, version parfumerie
Maëlys PréauJul 28, 20200 comments
Hey, it smells like vacation
Le parfum de niche est-il un truc de snob ?
Maëlys PréauJun 25, 20201 comment
Admit it, you've already asked yourself this question.
Faut-il se méfier des parfums de synthèse ?
Maëlys PréauJun 04, 20200 comments
Don't panic, we'll explain everything to you.
Comment bien sentir (et choisir) un parfum ?
Maëlys PréauMay 18, 20200 comments
Hint: not in thirty seconds in a crowded store.