Recycling: 5 professional tips for your bathroom

Jul 02, 2020Maëlys Préau0 comments

There is change in the air, and your bathroom is no exception ! Like us, many of you say stop skincare routines that require around ten products, expired products that have been sitting on your shelves for months, and above all, non-recyclable packaging.

To be knowledgeable on the subject ♻️, here are 5 professional tips to make your bathroom the best friend on the planet.

Everything that shines

In general, the purer it is, the better it can be recycled! Golden rule: avoid packaging with shiny, lacquered or gold effects (like: the pretty silver lid of your night cream). They may be prettier for your decor, but they are generally impossible to recycle .

4 materials, 1 burial

Choose packaging designed with a single material: they are much simpler to recycle . Of course, it is not easy to detect that your tube of toothpaste is an alloy of 3 different plastics - however, in some cases it is obvious. Example : your plastic compact, with integrated mirror. Already, the mirror does not have a recycling channel as part of household waste - and what's more, it risks preventing the recycling of the plastic itself !

Pack, it's weighed

Hunt out products that are artificially weighed down to give you the impression of quality. Let's explain: in the case of perfume, for example, many bottles have a thick "glass bottom", to appear larger and more qualitative. Result: excess glass produced, and a heavier object to transport. All false ! At Bastille, our bottles only have a thin glass bottom , just enough to protect everything. And when we are told "Oh yes, it's 50 ml? It's crazy, it looks like it's smaller!", we say to ourselves that we are right to try to change habits...

They see me, they don't see me anymore

It is better to have a transparent bottle of shampoo rather than an opaque bottle. For what ? Because at the sorting center, the packaging is sorted automatically by robots , which are based on an optical analysis of the material. Opaque plastic or tinted glass can easily be confused with other materials and thus find themselves ousted from the sorting center instead of being recycled!

A label is very misleading

You probably don't know it, but the size of the label on a bottle has a real impact on its recycling (and to become a label pro and better understand your cosmetics, click here ): a label that covers too much prevents the bottle from being correctly detected by the sorting center robots. Keep in mind that the label should not cover more than 50% of the product if you want it to have a chance of having a second life. Moreover, as part of the Bastille approach , we have chosen to screen print our bottles: like that, no more problems!

In the end, very few products are completely recyclable and each of our actions counts. So the next time you choose your cosmetics, apply these little tips - and don't forget to talk about it to those around you: your sister, your friends, your husband are concerned too!

Photo: Liubov Ilchuk


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