Perfumer's advice: how to perfume yourself?

We bet you've never wondered how to wear perfume.

"Well, it's simple: you press it, it comes out, and you smell good. That's a good start... But if you want your perfume to be irresistibly diffused for as long as possible, you'll have to follow our advice. Are you ready for it?

Tip 1: Know your fragrance

man looking at his perfume

Before we reveal our tips on how to make your perfume last through the night, you need to make sure you know the concentration of your perfume so you know how much to put on.

Froman eau de toilette to an eau de parfum, the amount to be sprayed will be completely different. An eau de toilette is much less concentrated than an eau de parfum, so it may not last as long. Lighter, you can also be more generous with the quantities, even if it means re-spraying during the day!

For eau de parfum, 3 sprays are usually enough to last all day, except for very fresh and citrusy fragrances, which are usually more volatile. Finally, when it comes to perfume extracts, use them sparingly: they are so concentrated that one drop can be enough - and more can sometimes result in a fragrance faux pas.

Tip 2: Be light on your feet

As you can see, there's no need to put on tons: you'll just manage to make your neighbour sneeze on the bus (and I might as well tell you that this is not the time), with no guarantee that your perfume will last until the evening. Perfume is a little luxury in a bottle, so if you can avoid wasting it, all the better! To get the most magic from the least amount of perfume, simply spray your fragrance about 10-20cm from your skin - and most importantly, in the right place.

Tip 3: Spray on hot spots

scent Bataille in the hollow of the neck

"Perfume where you want to be kissed." -Gabrielle Chanel

The thing to remember is that it is heat that diffuses your fragrance. So it's best to use perfume on the hot spots on your body: your wrists, in the hollows behind your ears (our favourite spot), in the folds of your elbow or even... behind your knees. Results guaranteed! We call these hot spots "pulse points", simply because their heat comes from our blood circulation: in fact, you can feel your heart beating there...

You can also use perfume on top of your moisturiser as the fragrance usually lasts longer on a greasy body. However, be careful to use a fragrance-free cream to avoid altering the smell of your beloved scent - that would be a shame.

In the"don't" category: be careful not to rub the perfume into your wrists or hands (you know, that thing we all tend to do when we perfume our wrists...). This disturbs the raw materials and prevents the trail of your perfume from unfolding properly.... We assure you, it's not great.

On the other hand, there is also no need to re-scent yourself 6 times in a day - unless your loved one confirms that you (really) don't smell anything anymore. If you can't smell your perfume after wearing it for a long time, it's normal!

The sense of smell, like most of the senses, works "on the cheap". Its primary function is to inform us about the world around us, especially about potential dangers. So when the brain considers that the smell is not synonymous with danger, it no longer pays attention to it - it prefers to concentrate on unfamiliar smells.

So what to do in this case? It's quite simple: make a little infidelity to your perfume! Change your scent for a week and you'll see, your nose will decondition and when you wear it again, you'll have a wonderful reunion.

Tip 4: Scent your clothes

woman from the back removing her shirtPerhaps you are already doing it? We recommend that you to perfume the inside of your coat or scarf - especially in the winter period, since with the cold perfumes tend to hold less and diffuse less. You'll see, with the wind outside or when you take off your coat, you'll get a nice scent to charm your neighbour through his mask... Doesn't it make you want to?

Moreover, perfuming a garment also gives people with sensitive skin or who cannot tolerate alcohol the opportunity to enjoy their favourite scent.

A little advice, especially for pregnant women, is to check the condition of your skin before applying perfume. If your skin is healthy and you use a small amount of perfume, you can go ahead. On the other hand, if your skin is weakened by itching, pimples, stretch marks, rashes, etc., which are common during pregnancy, avoid using perfume on your skin and use perfume on your clothes instead.

Also remember to check that the colour of your juice is not darker than your fabric before spraying it. Some ingredients in perfumes produce darker or darker juices that can stain. So to avoid unpleasant surprises: don't spray your perfume directly onto your favourite white silk top!

Finally, it is also important to note that not all textiles absorb and diffuse odours in the same way. Synthetic fabrics, for example, are much less effective in diffusing odours and can also alter them. It is therefore better to spray your perfume on natural fabrics such as wool, cotton or cashmere than on polyester or viscose... Your perfume will thank you (and so will the planet, by the way).

Tip 5: Try the scent cloud

Another technique that works just as well if you don't want to put perfume on your skin (remember, it's still the best method) is the perfume cloud. In short, it's simply a matter of spraying your perfume in front of you to form a cloud and slipping into it to be delicately and evenly scented - princess effect guaranteed. That is, if you're prepared to leave a good portion of your bottle in the cloud, as you'll need a lot of spray to make your scent stand out.

Tip 6: Avoid hair

woman lying on the edge of a bed with her hair hanging downPerfume your hair, we know, is super tempting. But unfortunately, this technique is far from recommended. Because perfumes contain alcohol, they tend to dry out your hair and irritate your scalp. So if you like to scent your hair, we recommend alcohol-free mists made especially for hair.

And for those of you who can't stop spraying perfume in your hair - we see you! -Here's a little trick that will help you avoid damaging your hair too much: spray your perfume into your brush or comb and not directly onto your hair. You'll avoid direct contact with the alcohol spray and your hair will be less damaged.

Tip 7: Discover the night-time fragrance

How about making the pleasure last until dawn? Spray your favourite perfume on your pillow or do like Marylin Monroe and sleep naked with a few drops of your favourite fragrance.

Do you ever wear perfume before going to sleep?

In short, you now have all the cards in your hand to make the pleasure last and make your favourite perfume last as long as possible. Now all you have to do is put it into practice: on your marks, spray... go!

And for those who are still looking for their favourite perfume, don't hesitate to discover our perfumes and find all our advices to choose it well through this article!

Photos: Jules Theret


  • Nogaye GUEYE

    Thank you very much I liked it very much

  • N'doua jEan

    Just to say thank you 🙏🏽. It's been a great help.

  • Mandjolli

    Well you've convinced me! I have covid at the moment, so loss of smell, as soon as I find it I'll order the discovery sample set to celebrate! Maybe I'll find the perfume I've always been looking for!

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